• Bringing a spouse? This fee includes access to conference receptions and meals.


  • (included with conference registration)

  • (included with conference registration)

  • (included with conference registration)

Click HERE to view the full conference agenda or visit for more information

Boost Your Skills: Sign Up for a Lunch & Learn Session

  • Friday, March 7th

    Friday, March 7th

    Solving the HR Puzzle - The Long Game of Employee Retention with Alan Twigg

    The staffing shortage continues to haunt practices everywhere. Forecasts from the ADA are even more sobering. This is a big problem that isn’t going to improve anytime soon. There is no magical hidden supply of awesome workers waiting to be found. In reality, there are many amazing, talented, properly trained, and hard-working employees out there. They’re in your practice. Ensuring your practice is attractive to outside candidates is crucial in today’s market. Even more crucial: retaining your current (good) employees. If you reduce your turnover, you eliminate the pain of hiring. Join us as we explore proven strategies for team retention. Learn what works, what workers want, and easy ways to show your appreciation.

    Price $85.00

  • Friday, March 7th

    Friday, March 7th

    Five Voices of Leadership with Dana Watson

    In order to lead others effectively, we need a true understanding of ourselves, our natural tendencies, and patterns of behavior. In learning what your leadership voice sounds like to others, you will discover what it feels like to be on the other side of your personality, as well as how to hear and value others' voices. Once you understand your own leadership voice, you'll discover how best to communicate with each of the other voices, which will transform your communication at every level of relationship, both personal and professional. All five leadership voices come with their own particular set of strengths, all have triggers that set us off, and all have areas for growth. Understanding the power in each of these is the key to taking your leadership to the next level and is the secret to increasing your ability to influence your team, family and friends. 5 Voices is a simple key, which unlocks complicated relational dynamics and improves the health and alignment of all your relationships.

    Price $85.00

  • Friday, March 7th

    Friday, March 7th

    My Five Rules for No-Prep Porcelain Veneers with Ross Nash

    In this course, Dr Nash will describe his indications for porcelain veneers with no tooth preparation. He will illustrate step by step technique and show cases that qualify. An international lecturer on esthetic dentistry, Dr. Nash is one of only 80 Accredited Fellows worldwide (the highest achievement level) in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), the largest organization of its kind in the world. The rigorous process that is required for this type of recognition show that a dentist has acquired extraordinary skills in the areas of esthetic and cosmetic dentistry.

    Price $85.00

Garden to Table Luncheon

  • Friday, March 7th

    Friday, March 7th

    Join us for a delightful networking experience with your spouse or partner! Begin with a tour of the resort's stunning gardens, and then savor a delectable garden-to-table lunch featuring fresh ingredients from your tour. It's the perfect opportunity to forge new connections and enjoy wonderful company. Don't miss out on this enriching event!

    Price $85.00

Get Ready to Bid: Join Our Exciting Live Auction Event

  • Wine Pull

    Wine Pull

    Are you wine lover? Indulge in the excitement of winning a carefully selected bottle, chosen at random, with each ticket purchase. Secure your ticket now and uncork a delightful surprise. Don’t forget to bring your bottle of wine to donate!

    Price $25.00

  • Heads or Tails

    Heads or Tails

    Experience the excitement of our coin flip competition, led by a lively auctioneer! With every purchase, you'll receive three beaded necklaces and a chance to be the last one standing for a fantastic prize. Get your bead necklaces now and see if luck is on your side!

    Price $75.00

  • Golden Ticket

    Golden Ticket

    Price $100.00



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